Friday, July 26

Tag: Anadolu Agency

Details: Israel, Hamas Reaches A Ceasefire-Swap Deal

Details: Israel, Hamas Reaches A Ceasefire-Swap Deal

(Anadolu Agency)- The Israeli government and the Palestinian group Hamas agreed to a prisoner exchange deal early Wednesday. After around six hours of debating, a deal was approved by the Israeli Cabinet under which 50 hostages consisting of children, mothers and elderly women held by Hamas in Gaza will be released in exchange for a cease-fire lasting for four days, the Israeli Broadcasting Authority reported. The pause in fighting would extend an extra day for every 10 additional hostages released by Hamas. During the Cabinet meeting, the ministers were informed that the first group of captives would be released on Thursday. The government said this is the plan for the first phase, to return the captives to their homes. It said the war will continue until all of the goals are ...