Thursday, September 19

Tag: Butere

Is the Butere based Mwale Complex a phantom project?

Is the Butere based Mwale Complex a phantom project?

It had been billed to be the nextSilicon Valley of Kenya, with a one-stop shopping centre, offering amultitude of products and services to its customers, all under oneroof. Upon its completion, the much touted Mwale Medical and Technology City (MMTC) was supposed to have a 5000bed capacity Hamptons hospital, a 36-hole golf course, a shoppingcomplex, 4800 new homes and 150 km of improved roads. But investigations on the ground depicta different picture amid revelations that it is a project being toyedaround with the main purpose of conning donors by those behind it. Former Kakamega governor WycliffeOpayanya aptly sums it with a clear warning: “I know the placewhere the purported complex is located, and I know the purportedproprietor well.....the whole thing is a scam aimed at conningdono...