EXPOSED; Why having millions of shares at Co-operative bank is dangerous,the Story of a land grabbing city lawyer and why CEO Muriuki is accused of bangling shares to enrich himself in 2007/2008
A world reputable organisation is at loggerhead with both cooperative bank, its Chief Executive Officer Gideon Muriuki and a certain city lawyer in what seems to be a titanic court battle of recent times.
At first, Orion East Africa Limited has told the court that Muriuki is guilty of gross misconduct, has been behind the insufferable bullying of state officers and is unfit to sit in the Cooperative bank of Kenya Board or any other entity in Kenya.
" That this honourable court finds Gideon Muriuki unfit to sit in the Cooperative bank of Kenya board and for causing manumental loss of 35 percent stoke share belonging to Cooperative movement in Kenya during Shambolic initial public offering (IPO) in 2007/2008 to gain unjust enrichment of himself and cronies ," read the attached court pape...