Saturday, July 27

Tag: Conman Mayez Sadrubin Bhanji

The story of  Conman Mayez Sadrubin Bhanji, from disrespecting courts to possesing the spirit of conmanship

The story of Conman Mayez Sadrubin Bhanji, from disrespecting courts to possesing the spirit of conmanship

 Conman Mayez Sadrubin Bhanji Even After He Was Charged With Fraud Mr. Mayez Sadrubin Bhanji Continue To Be Rude And Disrespectful To Everyone Including The Magistrate. This Comes After The Accused Person Threatened A Witness Who Was Testifying In Court Against Him By Showing Her Fingers And Vowing To Assault Her. ” Get Out The Court And Go Out, You Lack Respect, Court Orderlies Get That Man Out,” The Magistrate Directed After His Behaviors. The Case Proceeded In His Absence. He Is Now Staring At Some Years In Jail If The Court Found Him Guilty Of The Offense As Charged And Proceeds To Convict Him. He Is Said To Have Defrauded The Complainant Sh607,500 That Was Intended For An For An Elderly Medical Insurance Policy. The Charge Sheet Says That The Accused Person Stole Th...