Saturday, July 27

Tag: fake gold

Exposed: Plot to withdraw sh23m fake gold charges against Jared Otieno

Exposed: Plot to withdraw sh23m fake gold charges against Jared Otieno

Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Noordin Haji seeks to withdraw Sh23 million charges against fake gold trade suspects Jared Otieno and four others. When the matter came up for directions before Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi, Haji through Angela Fuchaka informed the court that he intends to withdraw the fraud case because he can not reach the complainant Samir Entoro who flew to Brazil for specialized heary treatment early last year. “I have instructions from my boss Haji to withdraw this case under section 87(a) of the Criminal Procedural Code as the communication between the investigating officer, the office of the DPP and the complainant’s lawyer George Wajakhoya is futile,” said Fuchaka. As a consequence Andayi ordered fraudster Otieno, lawyer Munzala Javier Runili, Phili...