Friday, July 26

Tag: Felix Koskei

In-Depth Analysis: The Role of Corruption and Nepotism in Undermining County Development

In-Depth Analysis: The Role of Corruption and Nepotism in Undermining County Development

Felix Koskei, the Government Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service, has raised concerns over persistent corruption and nepotism in employment in Counties thus affecting service delivery. Koskei noted escalating corruption incidents, where politically connected individuals illegally acquire public funds through misuse of tendering, procurement, and revenue collection systems. He raised alarm over illegal payments to duplicated works, where County governments employees collude in paying for projects that have been undertaken by the National government. Speaking in Naivasha during the ongoing Intergovernmental Relations Symposium, Koskei regretted the interference in the employment of unskilled, unqualified, and inexperienced staff in most Counties, which he noted has affected th...