Saturday, July 27

Tag: Henry Rotich


rotich alleging with court to acquit him on dams scandle charges

Former Treasury Cabinet Henry Rotich and his  co-accused in the Arror and Kimwarer dams scandal have urged the court to acquit them under section 210 saying the prosecution failed to prove any of the charges against them. Rotich told the Milimani Anti-corruption Magistrate Eunice Kagure to acquit of all charges since Director of Public Prosecutions abandoned the case. “The prosecution has not established a prima facie case against not only the 1 accused, but all the other accused persons. The prosecution intentionally and deliberately abandoned its case,” said the former Treasury boss under uhuru administration. He further urged the court to consider returning a verdict of guilty of serious dereliction of public duty against the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. In...