Saturday, July 27

Tag: How Nairobi Businessman Plotted Sh230M Property Fraud

A city tycoon Plotted Sh230M Property Fraud

A city tycoon Plotted Sh230M Property Fraud

Businessman Nilesh Jayantilal Lalji Kotedia A city tycoon was on Thursday, September 21, 2023, charged in Milimani Law court with conspiracy to defraud beneficiaries of a five-storey building along Latema Road in Nairobi county worth Ksh230 million. Appearing before Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi, the businessman Nilesh Jayantilal Lalji Kotedia the Trustee of Lalji Mulji Jetha Trust Deed faced three charges of conspiracy to defraud, fraudulent disposal of trust property and false swearing levelled against him by the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP). Jayantilal denied that on unknown dates within the republic jointly with others yet to be arrested, conspired to defraud the beneficiaries of a five-storey building situated at Latema Road valued at Ksh230 million. The c...