Saturday, July 27

Tag: Ketraco

Peter Njehia at the centre of bribary and corruption scandal

Peter Njehia at the centre of bribary and corruption scandal

TOP KETRACO BOSES AT THE CENTRE OF BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION SCANDAL   Ketraco executive's 40 homes, 8 cars linked to bribes   Top managers at the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (Ketraco) have been accused of favoring a particular company in a multi-million tender scandal. The bribery claims came at a time when Ketraco had just welcomed a new acting Managing Director Eng. Isaac Kiva, having joined the firm on the 27th of January 2023 on secondment from the Ministry of Energy. Officers who are alleged to be behind the scheme are Peter Njehia who is the senior manager of Supply Chain Management, Tom Imbo the general manager of Finance and several senior members of staff in the procurement department. The exposure of the matter has since sent th...
Exclusive: Court orders Ketraco manager Peter Njehia’s Sh216 million unexplained wealth frozen

Exclusive: Court orders Ketraco manager Peter Njehia’s Sh216 million unexplained wealth frozen

Court orders Ketraco manager Peter Njehia’s Sh216 million unexplained wealth frozen A year after being caught pants down by Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission sleuths, the court has ordered his accounts frozen. Peter Maina Njehia, the Senior Manager, Supply Chain at the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO), was found to have looted the parastatal during rogue Fernandes Barasa’s tenure. In December 2021, Justice Esther N. Maina ordered Sh58 million in his account frozen. The EACC was also given a go-ahead to investigate Mr Maina’s close family members, including but not limited to his spouse Julie Hellen Matu together. The court further gave orders for the companies and properties associated with them to also be investigated. It was suspected that Njeh...
PR Overdrive: Corrupt Ketraco MD Fernandes Barasa Buys Media Silence

PR Overdrive: Corrupt Ketraco MD Fernandes Barasa Buys Media Silence

Mr. Fernandes Barasa has been the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Kenyan Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco) since April 2016. During that time, the former top accountant at ICPAK has learnt to swim in the murky waters of corruption and politics in Kenya. The man who has been exposed for swindling money from Kenyans through fraudulent compensation claims during the construction of some transmission lines in the country has now taken to the media to buy their silence in exposing the rot at the agency. Mr. Barasa has bought spaces in blogs and media to write good stories about him in a bid to throw off the publics and DCI on the mega scandals at the govt agency. It should be remembered that Mr Fernandes once ran away like a mad man from a hotel where coincide...