Saturday, July 27


KMJA condemns the threats directed to Magistrate Glady’s Kiama, wants immediate action

KMJA condemns the threats directed to Magistrate Glady’s Kiama, wants immediate action

The Kenya Magistrates and Judges association have come out gun blazing on the defence of their own collegue Hon Glady’s Kiama after he was alledgly threatened with dire consequences by an area MP. In a statement released to the media houses and signed by the association President Derrick Kuto, the association says that Magistrates and vulnarable exposed and called for an immediate action to be taken. ” The security situation obtaining in our Kakamega station brings to the fore the unfortunate and sorry state the Judicial officers find themselves in. They are vulnerable and exposed, ” read the Statement. It added, ” The action by Mr. Salasya, MP, Mumias East, to openly threaten our colleague for doing her judicial work stinks to hell. That he even went ahead to post cryptic stuff a...
Section of Desparate Judges on the bribing spree to take over KMJA after  failing to run JWA

Section of Desparate Judges on the bribing spree to take over KMJA after failing to run JWA

We were wrong to form the Judges Welfare Association (JWA), orphaned, remorseful, exposed and outmaneuvered Judges return, Vow a coup in KMJA Judges pleads for forgivesness after near destroying KMJA years back , now bribing Kadhis, Magistrates to take over leadership over selfish interests Why Judges Welfare Association collapsed and why Judges wants to misrule Magistrates in KMJA Judges Welfare Association on its knees as some Judges out to corrupt Magistrates, Kadhis and cause Coup in KMJA We were wrong to form the Judges Welfare Association (JWA), orphaned, remorseful, exposed and outmaneuvered Judges return, Vow a coup in KMJA. In 2015, a number of newly recruited Judges plotted a mass exit from KMJA. They formed a splinter group named Kenya Judges Welfare Associati...
Former KMJA president eyes JSC representative post

Former KMJA president eyes JSC representative post

Ex-KMJA president eyes JSC representative post The race to find the next representative of judges at the Judicial Service Commission is expected to tighten up as days go by.   Various candidates have expressed interest in the prestigious seat that is currently occupied by Justice David Majanja.   It is not clear yet whether Majanja could be eyeing the seat again once his term expires in May 2024. Lady Justice Jacqueline Kamau is among the big names whose rumoured candidature for the seat is expected to unsettle many men who have expressed interest in vying for the seat.   Lady Justice Kamau is a former President of the Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA).   She is also a member of the International Women's Association of Judges(IA...