Saturday, July 27

Tag: Mr Joseph njuguna

Detectives looking for businessman cum notorious rapist Joseph njuguna over multiple rape, sodomy cases involving his casual employees

Detectives looking for businessman cum notorious rapist Joseph njuguna over multiple rape, sodomy cases involving his casual employees

Detectives from Ngano police station are searching for a business man who is said to have sodomized his employee, a casual labourer. Mr Joseph njuguna aka ngunyunyi carried his employee PQ and alledged to have sodomized him after carring him on a motorbike from his shop after work, the reason of him preying on the victim is yet to be known. " He took me to his home so that that i can help him farment the wheat floor which was to be used to cook some cook madazi for sale the following day," PQ told this reporter. Mr. ngunyunyi rans a shop called the PROMISE at charagita trading centre in NYANDARUA county. According to our sources, on the eve of the incident gunyunyi left his wife at the shop and proceeded to commit the act. " It has been a routine for him to sodomize young me...