Saturday, July 27

Tag: Nairobi court

Exposed: Rogue Easleigh trader charged in Nairobi courts for false obtaining of goods

Exposed: Rogue Easleigh trader charged in Nairobi courts for false obtaining of goods

Rogue Easleigh trader charged in Nairobi courts for false obtaining of goods An Eastleigh based businessman has been charged before a Nairobi court with falsely obtaining goods worth Sh8.6 million. Abdi Mohamed Ali appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi over accusations of defrauding Wakulima Flour Millers Ltd, flour valued at KSH. 8,657,507. According to charge sheet, Ali committed the offence on diverse dates between 29th November 2022 and 11th January 2023 at Mega wholesalers in Eastleigh, Nairobi county. The court was informed that he obtained the goods by falsely pretending that he would pay at a later date, but which turned to be false. Through his lawyer, Ali asked the court to postpone the plea taking. The trader said another case was pending before a ...