Saturday, July 27

Tag: Nancy Macharia

Why TSC CEO Nancy Macharia Faces Legal Scrutiny Amid Claims of Sh. 3 Billion Salary Scandal

Why TSC CEO Nancy Macharia Faces Legal Scrutiny Amid Claims of Sh. 3 Billion Salary Scandal

A Nairobi-based activist has initiated a legal battle against Nancy Macharia, the CEO of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), over allegations of fund misappropriation within the TSC. Francis Awino, the petitioner, has expressed concerns that if Nancy Macharia continues to hold the position of TSC CEO, taxpayers will continue to incur financial losses due to questionable financial practices. The accusations against Nancy Macharia arise from a report by the Auditor General that covers the period up to June 2021. The report implicates the TSC in a salary scandal amounting to Ksh. 3 billion, which was allegedly facilitated by Nancy Macharia. It is claimed that she overpaid a section of TSC staff despite a shortage of teachers. Additionally, the Auditor General’s report reveals that Na...