Saturday, July 27

Tag: Passport

15 Arrested Over Passport Issuance Scam In Nyayo House

15 Arrested Over Passport Issuance Scam In Nyayo House

Exclusive, 15 Arrested Over Passport Issuance Scam In Nyayo House DCI’s Transnational Organized Crime detectives are holding 15 suspects in connection with passports issuance corruption scandal at Nyayo House, Nairobi, weeks after the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration Prof Kithure Kindiki directed that investigations be conducted following public outcry.   In the ongoing operation which was launched on Monday, October 2, 2023, six (6) Department of Immigration Services staff including an intern and nine (9) suspected brokers have been arrested, while manhunt for more suspects who got wind of the operation and run into hiding continues.   In the classic case of grand corruption, members of the public and foreigners seeking passports and work p...