Saturday, July 27

Tag: Patrick Kareithi Ndegwa

Accountant in court for altering payroll system by halting deductions from his salary for 3 years

Accountant in court for altering payroll system by halting deductions from his salary for 3 years

Kenya Railways Cooperation accountant has been charged with altering the parastatal's payroll system by stopping his monthly salary deductions for three years.   Patrick Kareithi Ndegwa who was arraigned and charged at Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi is alleged to have committed the said offence between 2019 and 2021.   "You are charged that on diverse dates between July 2019 and November 2021 within Nairobi county in the Republic of Kenya, you intentionally altered the computer data in Kenya Railways Cooperation payroll system with intent to have the resultant inauthentic data to be considered as if it was authentic" the charge sheet read in part. Patrick who has worked with the corporation for 13 years is alleged to have cost Kenya Railways an unlawful loss of Ksh...