Saturday, July 27

Tag: Philip Mainga

Scandal Alert,Kenya Railways Director Philip Mainga Caught Up in Another Ksh700 Billion

Scandal Alert,Kenya Railways Director Philip Mainga Caught Up in Another Ksh700 Billion

Two activists, Francis Owino and Ezekiel Okoth, have filed a case in court seeking the removal of Philip Mainga from his position as the Director of the Kenya Railways Corporation (KRC). Their case is grounded in allegations that Mainga played a role in the loss of a staggering Sh700 billion during the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR). The activists, in their court documents, claim that there were “illegal and unlawful extension and irregular dealings” that resulted in the loss of this colossal sum, which ultimately belonged to the taxpayers of Kenya. The construction of the SGR, which was widely known to be financed by the Chinese Government, has come under scrutiny as the activists argue that the loan from a Chinese bank did not qualify as public debt. Further...