Saturday, July 27

Tag: Richard Ngatia

Richard Ngatia’s Megascope Healthcare Sued Over Sh869M Deals With NMS During Uhuru Govt

Richard Ngatia’s Megascope Healthcare Sued Over Sh869M Deals With NMS During Uhuru Govt

A human rights defender has filed a constitutional petition at the High Court over tenders given by the defunct Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) for the construction of health facilities in the informal settlements. Francis Awino has sued Megascope Healthcare Limited, which is associated with businessman Richard Ngatia over contracts it got from NMS worth Sh869 million. In his affidavit, Awino says that there were irregularities and circumvention of the law by Megascope for it to secure the contracts. “There was illegal unlawful and irregular misuse of taxpayers’ money a fact that was actually confirmed by the Auditor General in her reports for the years 2021/2022 financial year,” reads his affidavit. He says that The Ministry of Health got into a contract with Amref Health Africa f...