Saturday, July 27

Tag: rogue’ land companies

How Thika locals protest over ‘rogue’ land companies

How Thika locals protest over ‘rogue’ land companies

They say they were swindled of millions of shillings in fake land deals Residents of Thika have called on the government to rein in land-buying firms that they allege swindled them of millions of shillings in fake deals. They said the companies’ proprietors have pushed thousands of residents into poverty and mental anguish after defrauding them. The locals said rogue firms have been selling ‘air’ to them and eventually vanishing when the investors demand their title deeds. Locals claimed one such firm has swindled them of close to Sh800 million in fake land deals over the last two years. The irate investors took to the streets to protest against the company's reluctance to issue them with title deeds aor reimburse their money. James Njoroge said he invested Sh350,00...