Saturday, July 27

Tag: Tabitha

In courts today: Tax case against former Keroche CEO proceed for hearing

In courts today: Tax case against former Keroche CEO proceed for hearing

A Nairobi court will today commence the hearing of a Sh14.5 billion tax evasion case against former Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja. Even though the parties in the case had told the court that they intended to settle it out of court, Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Esther Kimilu said she would proceed in case they failed to agree. In July, the magistrate gave a stern warning against delays in the case as Tabitha had failed to turn up in court. Tabitha, however, presented herself in court after a warrant was issued against her. Kimilu gave the defence a warning to proceed with the hearing in the absence of the accused should she fail to attend. Kimilu also cautioned Tabitha from changing advocates to delay the case. "We will not take the journey of delaying the case again," she...