According to the Law Society of Kenya (Nairobi Branch), the individual, named Sharon Atieno Adunya alias Sharon Atieno Adunya Obade, was nabbed by the Rapid Action Team (R.A.T) in conjuction with police officers from Capitol Hill Station and in the presence of the LSK President Eric Theuri, too.
“The LSK Nairobi Branch, through the Rapid Action Team (R.A.T) and the President of Law Society of Kenya, with the support of Capitol Hill Police Station Officers, nabbed a notorious masquerader, Sharon Atieno Adunya alias Sharon Atieno Adunya Obade,” the firm announced on X (formerly Twitter).
According to LSK, Sharon had stolen the identity of someone with a name similar to hers and had gone on to kick-start a flourishing legal career, even representing herself in court.
“The said quack had stolen the identity of one Sharon Atieno Obade of P105/14694/18 which she used to carry on and represent herself in court and in her daily duties, thus deceiving the unsuspecting members of public,” they said.
Sharon is also accused of not only forging a national identity card but also the practising certificate, going as far as registering her own law firm, masquerading as an advocate.
“Further, she forged a National Identity Card and a Practising Certificate to affix the real Sharon Atieno Obade’s identity, which she used to run the law firm of Auma & Co. Advocates (Maddona House, 1st Floor, Left Wing Room 113) as a partner, pretending to be an Advocate, ” LSK revealed.
“It’s unfortunate that the masquerader is a student at the Kenya School of Law who is yet to complete her studies to qualify for admission to the bar.”
While also speaking about the arrest, LSK President Eric Theuri revealed that Sharon was being held at the Capitol Hill Police Station and also thanked members for the tip-off, adding that the body would ‘not relent’ on the fight to rid it of quacks.
“We thank our members for alerting us of this incident. We will not relent in this fight. The operation to rid masquerades will be intensive, thorough and unrelenting,” he posted on X.
Sharon’s arrest comes days after a whirlwind weekend for yet another quack lawyer Brian Mwenda Njagi who captured the imagination of Kenyans even as the LSK engaged in online exchanges with the likes of COTU boss Francis Atwoli and former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko who have both defended his actions and even openly said they will bail him out and help him walk the legal path.