Saturday, July 27

Eposed,Two company directors charged with sh 4m fraud

Two company directors charged with sh 4m fraud

A company director has been charged with Sh 4M theft case at Milimani Law Courts.

Bridget Gakii Nyaga and Elphus Mutuma Murithi charged that on July 12,2022 at Co-operative Bank Agah Khan Walk
Branch within Nairobi County in the republic of Kenya being a director of Bytech Savanna Limited stole Sh 4,819,000
(Four Million, Eight Hundred and Nineteen thousand shillings) the property of Bytech Savanna Limited which came
to his possession as a director of Bytech Savanna Limited.

In the second count, Nyaga together with Elphus Mutuma Murithi were charged with conspiracy to defraud against
the law.

They were charged that on similar dates and place within the country,with another not before the court conspired to
defraud Sh 4,819,000 by falsely pretending that he had supplied 580 Liters Pathway,and 1550 bags plant protection
Gypsum to Bytech Savanna Limited,a fact they knew to be false.

He was released on a Bond of Sh 1m or a Cash Bail 500,000.

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