Saturday, July 27

How ACK Church lost Reverend John Kennedy Kinyua, a man of intergrity because of Rogue Bishop Joel Waweru

 ACK Church lost Reverend John Kennedy Kinyua, a man of intergrity because of Rogue Bishop Joel Waweru

Bishop Joel Waweru of Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Nairobi is a man with scandals after scandals, he is currently facing some criminal charges at a Kibera court where he is accused of sexually assaulting a female clergy.

However, to hit the nail on the head, the bishop was behind the firing of Reverend John Kennedy Kinyua(pictured Above) a man who was full of intergrity, God fearing and principled.

This developed into a court case which the church bishop was ordered to pay Kinyua of unfare dismissal, the court also noted that Waweru had created a toxic environment that could not allow Kinyua to thrive

During the court ruling, the Employment and Labour Relations Judge James Rika ordered the church to compensate Reverend John Kennedy Kinyua Sh842,912 for unfair termination as a curate at St Peters Church in Kahawa Sukari, when his appointment was revoked by bishop Waweru on September 19, 2012.

Reverend Kinyua was ordained on July 24, 1994, and rose to be a Vicar before being demoted and transferred to Kahawa Sukari on November 16, 2010.

He was loved by faithfuls, politicians and religious leaders but this action of Waweru left a big gap.

In his ruling, Judge Rika faulted Bishop Waweru for sacking Kinyua after the latter got a part-time job at Carlile College as a lecturer.

Kinyua did not immediately take over the job since according to church regulations, Waweru was to clear him before anything else, something he refused.

According to the documents in our possession, The college is an ACK institution. The cleric was approached by the principal to start diploma programmes in the respective parishes, and issued with an appointment letter, which he signed before a copy was forwarded to the bishop’s office.

Meanwhile, Kinyua sought an appointment from Waweru over the offer. Two months later, on September 19, 2012, Kinyua got a call from bishop Waweru’s secretary asking him to pick his letter.

It turned out the bishop had revoked his appointment as a lecturer at Carlile College.

Days later, Kinyua learnt that his appointment as a curate had also been terminated on grounds that he could not serve two masters.

Defending the church’s decision, Waweru told court, he did not terminate Kinyua’s contract; he revoked it after the clergy took employment with Carlile College.

“In terms of the Employment Act, revocation of appointment simply means termination of that appointment. It may mean something else within canonical law, but the court is concerned with the law of the land, not canonical law,” said justice Rika on February 17.

The judge ruled that reverend Kinyua was wrongly removed from his position as a curate and directed that he be paid Sh648,360 equivalent of 12 month’s salary for unfair termination, Sh54,030 for notice, Sh100,000 being clergy training allowance and Sh40,522 annual leave all totaling to Sh842,912.

Kinyua told court that he was aggrieved by the decision to revoke his appointment, without notice, warning and hearing.

He further claimed the allegations made against him were not true.

There were complaints were raised about Kinyua’s ministerial conduct. He was accused of divorcing wife as well as referring to worshippers as hypocrites.

The court was told that at one point, he called bishop Waweru a terrorist.

“These complaints were addressed and were not pursued by the church,” said judge Rika, adding that he expected Kinyua to continue serving as a minister.

The issue at hand were whether the termination or revocation of appointment, was carried out fairly, based on valid reason, and if Kinyua was entitled to the remedies pleaded.

“It is unfortunate that even after the parties indicated to the court that they were negotiating settlement within their church structures, the Parties were not able to settle the matter conclusively out of court,” argued justice Rika.

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