Saturday, July 27

Lawyer Festus Murimi dragged in Sh6million fraud

An advocate of the High Court in Kenya was on Monday arraigned at a Kibera Law Court for allegedly stealing Sh 6m from an account associated with Sale Processing Safety Company.

According to the Starnewspaper, one of the local daily in the East African nation, Festus Murimi who is also the co-director of the said company did not take plea after Kibera Magistrate Boaz Ombewa declined an application by the state to detain the suspect for six days to allow further investigation.

While releasing the Murimi on a bond of one million with surety of similar amount, Ombewa said that the state did not give compelling reasons why the accused should not be released on bond adding, that he can be out while the investigations are on.

It is alleged that on the 15th of February 2019, Murimi reported the matter of his abduction at Kileleshwa Police station, where he alleged that the abductors forced him to withdrew 60,O00 USD from the account of KCB Bank based at Sarit Centre.

According to the investigation, the accused gave false information of abduction as the CCTV footage show that the accused withdrew the money and boarded a taxi that dropped him at Kinoo area.

while seeking for detention, at the Kilimani Police Station, the investigators wanted more time to complete investigation and do forensic auditing, as well as looking for other accomplices.

The case will be mentioned on Friday.

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