Saturday, July 27

Rogue Brian Wanyoike Charged with Defiling KNNCI President daughter aged 16

Brian Wanyoike Charged with Defiling KNNCI President daughter aged 16

A man who defiled KNCCI’ s daughter Richard aged 16 has been charged at a Kibera court.

Brian Wanyoike was charged before Kibera Senior Principal Magistrate Derrick Kuto where the case proceeded and the court found him with a case to answer.

While testifying in court, Ngatia’s daughter said that the accused person defiled her during a certain party, she said that during the time the incident was committed, she was only 16 years of age.
She further narrated in court how Wanyoike used tricks before defiling her .
Five other witnesses testified in court and narrated on how the offense was committed.
“I do find that the offence of defilement was committed and the accuse person has a case to answer,” Kuto ruled.

The chargesheet says that the accused person committed the offense on May 24,2022 at an apartment in Kileleshwa in Westlands Sub-county within Nairobi county.

The accused person does not deny committing the offense but he disputes the age of the minor.

He told the court through his lawyer that the girl behaved as an adult.

He also said many more words to defend his case.

If the court finds that his defence is week, Wanyoike may be jailed for 10 years and above.
The matter now awaits the final court verdict.

He is currently our on bond.

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