Monday, September 16

Rogue Maono lands owner Kinyua Wa Iratu on the spot again for defrauding Journalists, threatening them after Land Fraud expose’

Kinyua Wairatu advertisement like articles where he had promised to pay for so that he gets limelight in good lights have not been paid for their dues to date.

” The guy told a city journalist to give us some programmed articles and he was to facilitate them and again just the way he alledgly defraud Investors millions in rogue land deals, he seems to have done it again we believe he is still in Dubai,” said a city blogger who now wants authority to investigate Wairatu and his dealings in totality.

The Maono land Limited Boss in the said Presser that has left over 20 famous bloggers and journalist unpaid threatened journalist and some of there collegues who had earlier exposed him for fraud.

A youtube video in which he has been accosted is in the public site, and attached below.

” We have Dossiers that the main media house may not bring out due to some known fears, from this week we shall be exposing the rot with documents attached,” said a city blogger.

A journalist who was contacted by another journalist who gave him the information of Kinyua Wairatu being in Dubai and ordered us to work is now rude and seems arrogant, we shall expose him too, ” another blogger said.

Multiples reports has linked the Maono lands owner with land cartels and Fraudsters and Kenyans have been adviced to shun away from the said Man and his company.

Efforts to reach Wairatu on Phone did not suceed as he did not receive our calls and failed to come back for a week now

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