Saturday, July 27

Tag: Allan Chesang

Exposed: Senator Chesang Issues 7-Day Ultimatum For DCI To Retract Claims Of Alleged Involvement In Fake Gold Scandal

Exposed: Senator Chesang Issues 7-Day Ultimatum For DCI To Retract Claims Of Alleged Involvement In Fake Gold Scandal

Senator Chesang Issues 7-Day Ultimatum For DCI To Retract Claims Of Alleged Involvement In Fake Gold Scandal TransNzoia Senator Allan Chesang has demanded the Director of Criminal Investigation to retract the statement on his alleged involvement in alleged fake gold syndicate. Through his legal counsel Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo, Chesang has issued a 7-day ultimatum to the DCI failure to which he will sue him for defamation insisting he will protect his name at all costs. “We thus write to demand that you immediately retract the statements you put out AND/OR caused to be published by the media outlets and issue an unequivocal apology to our client for making the impugned statements knowing very well there was no truth to the same,” he stated. “TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to a...
All You Need To Know About Allan Chesang’, Man At The Centre Of Fake Laptops Deal Signed In DP Ruto’s Office

All You Need To Know About Allan Chesang’, Man At The Centre Of Fake Laptops Deal Signed In DP Ruto’s Office

exclusive,All You Need To Know About Allan Chesang’, Man At The Centre Of Fake Laptops Deal Signed In DP Ruto’s Office Using the pseudo name Mr Kiptoo, Allan Chesang received over 1,707 laptops in Eastleigh, Nairobi from businessman Charles Musinga of Makindu Motors.   This was after Chesang and his friends at the Office of the Deputy President William Ruto lured Mr Musinga into signing a fake laptops deal at Harambee House Annex, in the disguise of being supplied to the Ministry of Devolution.   While collecting the laptops, Mr Chesang’ came with a police escort, driving a Range Rover with Parliament and Deputy President Office’s stickers.   In total, Mr Musinga and his co-director Stephen Ngei Musyoka lost at least Ksh181 million, in a case where Teddy O...
How Fake laptop tender deal was signed in DP’s office, says witness

How Fake laptop tender deal was signed in DP’s office, says witness

Fake laptop tender deal was signed in DP's office, says witness A director of a firm at the centre of a fake laptop tender at Deputy President William Ruto’s office has told court he was cheated into believing the deal was genuine.   Charles Musinga of Makindu Motors said a woman introduced to him as Miss Muhoro by a friend he identified as Augustine Matata, was to facilitate the tender at the DP’s office. They were to supply 2,800 laptops.   “Miss Muhoro also said she was the secretary of a Mr Wanyonyi who was the personal assistant to the Deputy President,” Musinga told court. He told chief magistrate Martha Mutuku that Muhoro would later arrange a meeting in her office at Harambee House Annex to pursue the supply tender.   Musinga testified on Thursd...
Exclusive, Man Charged Over Fake Ksh.180M Laptops Tender At DP Ruto’s Office

Exclusive, Man Charged Over Fake Ksh.180M Laptops Tender At DP Ruto’s Office

MAN LINKED TO FAKE 180M LAPTOP TENDER IN DP RUTO’S NAME CHARGED A man implicated in the fake laptop tender using the name of the office of the Deputy President William Ruto has been charged before a Nairobi Court with conspiracy to defraud and obtaining goods by false pretenses.   Daddy Awiti is accused of falsely pretending that he was carrying out tender business and was in a position to deliver 28,000 pieces of HP laptops valued at Sh180, 000,000 to the office of the DP a fact he knew to be false.   The accused is alleged to have committed the offense on diverse dates between 1st June and 12th August 2018 at Nairobi City Center, jointly with others not before court.   Awiti and his accomplices are said to have been offering tender documents under the na...