Saturday, July 27

Tag: KeRRA

former KERRA employee forfeits mult-million property to state over money laundering link

former KERRA employee forfeits mult-million property to state over money laundering link

A former government official has been forced to forfeit properties worth Sh 265 million after a judge ruled that they were proceeds of crime. Margaret Wanja Muthui, a former Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA) procurement manager was forced to forfeit 11 apartments in Kilelesha and other units in Ruaka after High Court judge Esther Maina ruled that they are proceeds of crime. The properties had been registered in the names of Esther Wagio Njunge and her company Light House Trading Company Ltd, Mercy Nyambura and Cynthia Nyambura and the court found that they were conduits used to conceal the source of the funds. Also forfeited to the state is Sh74.7 million held in fixed deposit in the name of Njunge, Sh13.9 million held in fixed deposit in the name of Muthui and Sh 6.7 million in...
EACC raids KeRRA finance Offices over corruption, fictitious transactions

EACC raids KeRRA finance Offices over corruption, fictitious transactions

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission officers on Tuesday raided the Kenya Rural Roads Authority office’s at Barabaraa Plaza, JKIA. Business came to a standstill at KeRRA offices after senior employees fled their offices for fear of being arrested by the sleuths. An EACC officer who requested anonymity said they were looking into fictitious payments and kickbacks obtained from contractors by the finance bosses led by one Dan Manyasi. When the officers raided the premises, Manyasi was reportedly away after he had been tipped off. “Manyasi has escaped our trap. We understand he was tipped off by some officers that we are coming. When contacted, he feigned sickness,” said the officer who requested anonymity. By the time of going to press, it was not clear who was arrested. ...
Senior KeRRA Official Questioned By EACC In Sh400M Unexplained Wealth And Graft Claims

Senior KeRRA Official Questioned By EACC In Sh400M Unexplained Wealth And Graft Claims

EACC raids KeRRA finance Offices over corruption, fictitious transactions A senior official at the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA) was Tuesday questioned by detectives from the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) in connection with allegations of misappropriating approximately Sh400 million while in office. It is alleged that companies linked to him and his wife have been paid over Sh400 million for road tenders by agencies in the road sector. KERRA’s Director of Corporate Services and Finance Dan Chamwama Manyasi spent the better part of Tuesday being grilled at the Agency’s Integrity after the anti-graft investigators raided his office and two homes in Nairobi and Kakamega. Manyasi is said to be under investigation for abuse of office and embezzlement of public...
Embattled KeRRA DG Philemon Kandie in office against court order

Embattled KeRRA DG Philemon Kandie in office against court order

Scandal hit embattled KeRRA DG Philemon Kandie in office despite court order. KeRRA Boss Still In Office Despite Court of Appeal Order Kandie loses bid to have him reinstated as KeRRA boss Court Declines To Suspend Removal Of KeRRA DG Philemon Kandie All is not well at the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA). The Director General Philemon Kiprop Kandie who was thrown out of office by the Courts last month has reportedly resumed office and is carrying out his daily duties. Staff are confused on how to deal with the DG and some have said that they will go to court to have all decisions and documents he has signed declared null and void. On Tuesday, they kept on calling several media outlets complaining that the DG who was thrown out of office has disobeye...