Saturday, July 27

Senior KeRRA Official Questioned By EACC In Sh400M Unexplained Wealth And Graft Claims

EACC raids KeRRA finance Offices over corruption, fictitious transactions

A senior official at the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA) was Tuesday questioned by detectives from the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) in connection with allegations of misappropriating approximately Sh400 million while in office.

It is alleged that companies linked to him and his wife have been paid over Sh400 million for road tenders by agencies in the road sector.

KERRA’s Director of Corporate Services and Finance Dan Chamwama Manyasi spent the better part of Tuesday being grilled at the Agency’s Integrity after the anti-graft investigators raided his office and two homes in Nairobi and Kakamega.

Manyasi is said to be under investigation for abuse of office and embezzlement of public funds through fraudulent procurements and payments at KeRRA.

He is accused of influencing award of tenders to companies linked to him, his wife and associates to the tune of Sh400 million.

He denied the claims and vowed to prove his innocence.

EACC is seeking to unravel the misery of how he acquired his vast wealth estimated to run into hundreds of millions.

The source added that the EACC is actively scrutinising numerous officials who have reportedly exploited capital-intensive road projects as an avenue to embezzle public funds in an effort to combat rampant corruption within Kenya’s road sector.

The commission is handling tens of cases some of which some feel are politically motivated.

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