Saturday, July 27

Tag: UN

Widow of Late UN Official Seeks Justice After Ex-Wife Magdalena Richarz Barua Frames Him for Fraud

Widow of Late UN Official Seeks Justice After Ex-Wife Magdalena Richarz Barua Frames Him for Fraud

Ex-Wife Magdalena Richarz Barua Frames Him for Fraud Robert McCullens was a successful businessman who worked for the United Nations (UN). He had a happy life with his second wife and their children until he passed away. However, his death was not the end of his troubles. A few days after his funeral, his widow received a shocking email that appeared to come from Robert. The email accused Robert and his business partner, a foreigner who also worked for the UN, of using UN funds to pay for school fees. It claimed that they had defrauded the organization and provided evidence to prove it. It also threatened to expose them to the media and the authorities. The email was copied to senior staff at the UN, who were alarmed and concerned by the allegations It caus...
UN Chief Calls For ‘United, Sustained, Global’ Strategy For AI

UN Chief Calls For ‘United, Sustained, Global’ Strategy For AI

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday called for a "united, sustained, global" strategy to tackle the risks posed by artificial intelligence's rapid development, as world leaders met in the UK.  He called for "new solutions" to close the gap between AI and its governance, proposing that it should be based on the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Guterres was joined by other political leaders including UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, US Vice President Kamala Harris and EU chief Ursula von der Leyen at the two-day conference at Bletchley Park. The UN chief urged lawmakers and regulators to "get ahead of the wave" of emerging AI technology rather than playing "catchup". A failure to do so, he said, "increa...