Saturday, July 27

Widow of Late UN Official Seeks Justice After Ex-Wife Magdalena Richarz Barua Frames Him for Fraud

  • Ex-Wife Magdalena Richarz Barua Frames Him for Fraud

Robert McCullens was a successful businessman who worked for the United Nations (UN).

He had a happy life with his second wife and their children until he passed away.

However, his death was not the end of his troubles.

A few days after his funeral, his widow received a shocking email that appeared to come from Robert.

The email accused Robert and his business partner, a foreigner who also worked for the UN, of using UN funds to pay for school fees.

It claimed that they had defrauded the organization and provided evidence to prove it.

It also threatened to expose them to the media and the authorities.

The email was copied to senior staff at the UN, who were alarmed and concerned by the allegations

It caused a lot of trouble and distress for Robert’s widow and his business partner, who had to deal with the fallout.

But the email was not from Robert

It was from his ex-wife, Magdalena Richarz Barua, who was trying to ruin his reputation.

Contents hide
1 Scorned Woman
2 Forensic Investigation
Scorned Woman
Magdalena was once married to Robert, but they divorced a few years ago, and she was not happy with the settlement

She wanted more of Robert’s money and property, even though he had remarried and had a new family.

When Robert died last month, Magdalena, bitter and resentful, saw an opportunity to get what she wanted.

She decided to use her computer skills to create a fake email that looked like it came from Robert, then used his name and electronic signature and created a Gmail account that resembled his name: ‘’

Magdalena wrote the email in a way that would make it seem credible and convincing.

She did not anticipate that her email would be traced back because she used terms and details she thought only Robert and his business partner would know.

Forensic Investigation
Robert’s widow was shocked and hurt by the email because she knew that he was not a fraudster

As far as she knew, he was a good man who had worked hard and honestly for the UN.

He also had a good relationship with his business partner, who was his friend and colleague.

There was no way she could believe the email.

She reported the matter to the police, who launched a forensic investigation.

They traced the email to Magdalena’s Dell computer and found out that she had used illegal software to create the fake email.

They also discovered that Magdalena had a history of harassing Robert and his business partner.

Magdalena was arrested and charged with three counts of criminal activity.

She appeared in court on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, and was released on a Sh100,000 cash bail.

The charge sheet states Magdalena’s actions were intended to cause fear, annoyance, or inconvenience to the widow and the business partner, and to damage their reputation and dignity.

She is charged with cyber harassment, contrary to section 27(1) of the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act No. 5 of 2018.

She is also charged with false information, contrary to section 23(1) of the same Act, and unauthorized access to a computer system, contrary to section 17(1) of the same Act.

This is not the first time Magdalena has engaged in such behaviour

According to sources, she had a similar incident in university, when she sent a malicious email to the girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend, who had decided to move on. 

The email claimed that the ex-boyfriend had contracted HIV and was spreading it to other women.

Her case is scheduled to be heard on December 15, 2023.

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