Saturday, July 27

Kiambu tycoons staring at a legal battle of the decades for mistreating a businessman, wrongly accusing him in court

Famous city lawyer Peter Mwenda Njagi( Pictured )of Mwenda Njagi and Company Advocates has written a demand letter notifying some Kiambu Tycoons for colluding with the state and the police to arrest his client, unlawfully detaining him and wrongly charging in a court of law.

Those to face the wrath of the no nonsense advocate include : Isaac Maina Wandera , Wanderjoy Party Limited, Nairobi City County, the Attorney General and the Directorate of criminal investigations.

The suit will be filed in court next week where the advocate on behalf of businessman John Peter Kamau Ruhangi will be pushing the  court to punish  the mentioned party to pay for there deeds and reward the businessman for the suffering he encountered.

Njagi says in upcoming suit that Ruhangi was the original owner of L.R No.27/8 which measures 21 Acres and which he acquired through Gumchem Limited company.

” That sometimes in 2010 the complainant in MCCR/409/2016 Republic Vs George Jonathan Maara and Others , one Mr.Maina Wandera who trades as Wanderjoy Party World Limited bought some property bordering the plantiff’s Plot No.27/326. The plots he purchased were plot No.27/323, LR.No.27/324, LR No.27/325 and LR. No.27/327,” Njagi says.

Njagi added that his client was wrongly charged with the offence of malicious damage to property contrary to section 339(1) of the penal code on the January 6, 2022 and he was aquitted.

” Therefore it’s because of this ground that we intent to sue for unlawful detention of the plantiff, Malicious prosecution of the plantiff without reasonable cause, ” said Njagi in the demand letter.

He added that his client was unlawfully arrested and deteined, as there were no investigations conducted.

The veteran lawyer says that the chargesheet produced and relied on to prosecute the plantiff did not identify the exact plot Number nor the exact location of the property alledged to have been destroyed.

The lawyer further says that the plantiff had reported Wanderjoyparty World Limited) for illegal occupation of the suit property at Muthaiga Police Station but the OCS adviced that the the Director of Criminal Investigations at the time Mr.Ndegwa Muhoro had requested for the file and later caused the investigating officer in the case to be transferred.

” Mr.Muhoro actively hindered and interfered with the investigations in to illegal occupation of the plantiff’s property because a pre- existing comradeship with the complainant (Wanderjoy Party World Limited ) with whom they hail from the same village ; and business dealings together ” said Njagi.

Njagi further says that his client suffered so much from such illegal activities that violated his rights.

” Further , the acts of making a false report , arrest , unlawful confinement and the subsequent prosecution were actuated by malice and without any reasonable and/ or probable cause and was an attempt to settle business scores through the police, the prosecution tramped up charges that made my client to suffer unjustifiable mental anguish, pain and suffering and as a result he suffered loss and damages,” added Njagi.

The famous lawyer in his demand notified the tycoons and the parties involved that his client will be suing and asking the judgement for; General damages for wrongful arrest and detention, General damages for malicious prosecution, special damages for costs incurred in defending criminal case No.MCCR/409/2016 amounting to Sh10,000,000 and any other order the court may deem fit to grant.

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