Saturday, July 27

Wanted: DCI Unmasks 35 Terror Suspects Behind Lamu Terror Attacks

Wanted: DCI Unmasks Thirty-Five Terror Suspects Behind Lamu Terror Attacks

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has appealed to members of the public to volunteer information that may lead to the arrest of thirty-five terror suspects who are said to be part of the al-shabaab terror group.

In a statement on Wednesday, DCI said that the suspects are armed and dangerous and are responsible for orchestrating the rampant terrorist attacks and violence in Lamu County and the larger Boni Enclave.

Meanwhile, the suspects have been ordered to surrender to any police station in Kenya with immediate effect to aid in the ongoing investigations.

The DCI has also promised a reward to anyone who can provide information on the whereabouts of any of the suspects.

“A substantial cash reward will be offered to any member of the public who provides credible information leading to the arrest of any of the suspects,” said DCI.

The list is made up largely of Kenyan residents among them Maalim Ayman, Ramadhan Kioko, Abdullahi Banati, Andreas Martin Muller, Abu Amar, Suleiman Maktum, Abdiweli Yassin Isse, Idris Dhul Kifir, Silla, Ibrahim Magag, HassaneTijana and Sheikh Nganglangalam, a messenger.

Others on the wanted list are Tanzanian nationals Jamalo, Yusuf Anau,  Ethiopian national Janagale Huteiba, Maalik Alim Jone from the United Kingdom, Bashir Mursal Mohamud, Abu Khatal, Abu Said (a medic), Abu Anan, Mzee Mashella, Warsame Ali, Mohamed Mwanjama Salim and Abdikhadir and Fahad a Bangladeshi national who is also a medic.

Alongside the 35, DCI has also mentioned Maalim Said Guyo, Zakaria Karongo, Ramadhan Kafungwa, Abdukadir Mohamed Abdukadir,  Abdifatah Abubakar Abdi, Mohamed Abdi Aiden as part of the wanted suspects.

Others are Arqawi who serves as a driver, Yunus (weapons repairer), Tanzanian national Yakub, Abdulahi Dere (Driver) and Abdinassir.

The group was first mentioned by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki on Tuesday evening, vowing to use all means available to it to apprehend and punish the perpetrators.

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